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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who invented Fireworks

who invented fireworks

Fireworks have been in existence for thousands of years, and most experts agree the the Chinese must have invented fireworks over 2000 years ago, perhaps even as much as 2500 years ago. The first fireworks know to these ancient people were discovered by accident when green bamboo stalks exploded in their evening camp fires.

The sound of the explosion frightened them very much and were first attributed to the gods being angry with them but it was quickly discovered that green bamboo always exploded, and priests of the time quickly surmised that if the people were very afraid of the noise then so too must the evil spirits who were known to come out of the hiding places at night.

Chinese alchemists stumbled on a chemicals that could be made to burn very quickly and release a tremendous amount of light and smoke, and would sometimes explode with great force, and this led to the invention of fireworks as we know them today, and also to the invention of gunpowder which medieval Chinese artillery would use to cause damage to the enemy’s forces and defensive walls.

The invention of fireworks similar to those we know today didn’t really start to happen until after Marco Polo returned to Europe from the court of the Kublai Khan, though in Europe the main interest came from military scientists who wanted to develop cannons. Chinese fireworks with fins that would shoot straight up into the air were seen as frivolous and not useful, though they were in fact the predecessor of today’s rockets that propel the space shuttle into orbit.

Italians in the renaissance era were the first to properly develop fireworks that would show different colors when fired up into the air. The original Chinese invention only used white and blue, these being the colors of the compounds, but the Italians were able to invent gold and silver fireworks.

The first written account of fireworks for purely recreational use, and which is still in demand today by fireworks makers was authored by Frenchman Amedee-Francois Frezier in 1706, though earlier Chinese poets and historians had written about the use of fireworks in Chinese festivals and social events.

Even recent inventions of fireworks displays for the general public, and the various types of fireworks seen such as Peonies, Willows, Palms, Rings, Spiders, Roman Candles, and Cakes cannot be claimed to have been invented by any particular person since most fireworks manufacturers compete with one another for the biggest and brightest explosions, and all borrow ideas from each other.

who invented fireworks

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who Invented Fireworks Actually?

Who Invented Fireworks

Many different countries lay claim to this wondrous feat but who really invented fireworks? Most people agree that the first recorded instances occurred in China during the 9th century around the Song Dynasty due to the discovery of gunpowder. Historians tell the story of a Chinese cook working in the fields who happened to mix sulfur, which is flammable; charcoal, from burnt wood; and either potassium nitrate or saltpeter, which is a salt substitute. The cook noticed the combination had a flammable force when ignited and when this sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate mixture was enclosed and then lit, the dangerous combination exploded producing a loud bang.

Historians also credit Taoist monks in Far East Asia with being the ones who invented fireworks about 1000 years ago. Scientist monks were trying to discover a potion to grant eternal life and immortality, and during their research, discovered the flammable gunpowder mixture. They poured this mixture into bamboo tubes, wedged each end, and attached a detonator cord. These lit rockets produced noise, smoke, and light and became the first official firecrackers. Ancient Chinese used these loud explosive sounds to ward off ghosts and evil spirits, celebrate weddings, births, and birthdays, mark victories in battle, deaths, moon eclipses, and celebrate the New Year.

One particular monk named Li Tian is honored by the Chinese as being the actual person who invented fireworks. He lived in the Hunan Province, close to the city of Liu Yang and this area is still the main producer of fireworks in the world. Every April 18th, the people of China celebrate his invention and offer sacrifices to him. The local people even built a temple in his honor around the 9th century during the Song Dynasty.

Marco Polo is recognized as the person who brought gunpowder to Europe during the 13th century. The English were enthralled with fireworks and the displays became extremely popular during the sovereignty and reign of Queen Elizabeth I. William Shakespeare writes of fireworks in his plays and King James II had a display to celebrate his coronation.

Types of firework effects:

    A bunch of small tubes joined by a fuse that shoot tiny airborne special effects at a very fast pace, usually at the end of a show.

    A round, sphere-shaped break of colored stars that leaves a noticeable trail of sparks.

    A shell holding 2-3 big colored stars that treks a short distance and then fractures into small stars with a noisy snapping sound, making a crisscross grid appearance.

    A sphere-shaped break of colored stars, similar to the Chrysanthemum and Dahlia, and the most common type of shell firework.

    Almost identical to the peony but with fewer and bigger stars that travel further before burn out.

    A kind of Chrysanthemum or Peony with a middle mass of stationary stars.

    Big inserts that quickly thrust themselves away from the burst shell, usually looking like fish that are swimming away.

Horsetail or Waterfall shell:
    Longer-burning tailed stars that trek a short distance from the fractured shell before plummeting to earth, sometimes in a glittering waterfall.

    A thick burst of sparkling gold or silver stars that leave a heavy sparkle trail.

    A ground firework that ejects either stars, serpents, small shells, or reports into the sky.

Multi-break or Bouquet shells:
    A big shell holding a variety of small shells of different types and sizes that fractures and disperses the little shells across the sky before they detonate.

    A shell holding a small amount of comet stars positioned to burst into long tendrils that created a palm tree looking effect, with a dense rising tail as the shell climbs, imitating a tree trunk.

    A shell with stars, hearts, clovers, or smiley faces that explodes and forms a ring.

Roman candle:
    A long tube holding 2-3 large stars that fire sporadically at recurring intervals, usually in crisscross or fan shapes.

    A shell holding a quick burning charcoal or tailed star that is exploded very hard to make the stars trek in straight, flat lines before burn out. These lines look like a spiders legs.

Salute or Maroon:
    A shell holding large amounts of flash powder instead of stars that creates a fast flash followed by a very large bang, creating extreme brightness and noise.

Time Rain:
    A shell holding big, slow-burning stars that leave a large trail of shimmering sparks and a loud hissing noise as they slowly burn away.

    Comparable to the chrysanthemum but with longer burning gold or silver stars that create an effect that looks like a weeping willow.

Who Invented Fireworks

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who Invented Fireworks? - Some interesting fact

Who Invented Fireworks

Fireworks are low explosive devices often used during celebrations (such as New Year’s Eve). But who invented fireworks? This post will answer that question and then tell you some interesting facts about fireworks.

So, Who Invented Fireworks?

Unfortunately, no one knows the person who first invented fireworks. However, we do know that the first firework was invented in China sometime in the 7th century (600-700 BC). They were used to frighten away evil spirits with their loud sound. They were also used to pray for happiness and prosperity.

Interesting Facts About Fireworks
  • George Washington’s inauguration as first President of the United States (in 1789) was accompanied with a fireworks display.
  • Fireworks are sometimes used to scare away birds.
  • In Ancient China, fireworks were used to celebrate births and weddings for royalty and the rich.
  • The smoke released from fireworks can make it hard for people with asthma to breath.
  • The different colors in fireworks are generated by different chemical compounds. For example, calcium burns orange and barium burns green.

Who Invented Fireworks

Sunday, November 1, 2009

China Reminds Us Who Invented Fireworks

Who Invented Fireworks

It hasn't been announced yet, but we're ready to declare a winner in the 2008 HSBC Celebration of Light.

From where we were sitting, the show put on Wednesday night by China was downright incredible. Your humble author was scared for his life on a few occasions during their 25 minute show; surely a mark of a truly entertaining fireworks display. When the votes are tallied, it will come as no surprise to us when China takes the win.

Don't let all this chatter convince you, though. Check out the highlights of the footage from Wednesday night below, and then wander over to the Strutta game to cast your vote for your fave.

Who Invented Fireworks